
Tenant Rights in Cambridge A Guide for Renters and Landlords

Tenant Rights in Cambridge: A Guide for Renters and Landlords

Navigating the complexities of rental agreements and tenant rights in Cambridge can be a daunting task for both renters and landlords. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on the essential aspects of tenancy laws, helping to create a harmonious living environment for all parties involved. Understanding Rental Agreements Before diving into tenant rights, it’s… Read More

Understanding Traffic Ticket Laws in Ontario What You Need to Know

Understanding Traffic Ticket Laws in Ontario: What You Need to Know

Navigating the complexities of Ontario Traffic Ticket Basics can be a daunting task. With laws continually evolving and differing from one region to another, understanding the fundamentals is crucial. This comprehensive guide aims to unravel the intricacies of traffic ticket laws in Ontario, offering a deep dive into what every driver and resident should know…. Read More

Navigating Small Claims Court in Ontario

Navigating Small Claims Court in Ontario

When it comes to legal disputes in Ontario, the Small Claims Court plays a vital role. It’s a branch of the Superior Court of Justice and handles civil disputes of a monetary value of up to $35,000 Canadian dollars. Understanding the Small Claims Court basics is essential for anyone looking to resolve a dispute quickly… Read More

Rotary Club Hamilton member

Member of the Rotary Club of Hamilton

Timothy Ellis: A Paralegal’s Journey to the Rotary Club of Hamilton In the bustling corridors of Ontario’s courtrooms, where the scales of justice constantly tip and turn, Timothy Ellis, a seasoned paralegal from MTS Paralegal Services, has carved a niche for himself. Known for his expertise in handling small claims, traffic tickets, and landlord-tenant disputes,… Read More



If you’re looking for a Traffic ticket lawyer in London, Ontario you might be better served by a Paralegal service.  MTS Paralegal services has extensive knowledge with regards to helping fight your stunt driving charge, or your distracted driving charge in London.   As of July 1, 2021 police officers are handing out speeding tickets with… Read More